Saturday, September 18, 2010

Green Tomato Jam

I would have never known that you could do something with the green tomatoes toward the end of the gardening season had it not been for a woman in our small group. But you can...and the results are YUMMY!! When her and her husband first starting coming to our group, she brought us some jam and she told me it was green tomato jam...I was very curious and also a bit nervous to try it at the same time. We were all pleasantly surprised. My kids LOVED it too!! I do not have her recipe, but in talking I believe it is similar.

You will need:
5-6 c. pureed green tomatoes
4 c. sugar
6 oz. package of Jello (Raspberry is SUPER yummy...but we also love Blackberry Fusion and Strawberry)

In my blender, I add a small amount of water (maybe 1/2 - 1 cup) and then add my green tomatoes (I chop them up into smaller pieces first). I then puree the tomatoes because that is what my family prefers. You could leave them in bigger chunks if you choose. You will need 5-6 c. of pureed tomatoes.

Pour the pureed tomatoes into a large pot. Add sugar; bring to a boil. Boil hard for 15 minutes. As it cooks, skim the foam off of the top. Continuously stir the tomatoes also. After 15 minutes, remove from stove top and whisk in Jello until mixed well. Pour jam into glass jars--you can use small jelly jars, pint jars...or whatever works for you. I use pint canning jars. Store the jam in the refrigerator. I've also preserved it by pouring Gulf Wax over the top. It is very easy!!


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